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VSI Technology
VSI main technology is developed by an “inventive genius” whose strength is the extremely rare ability to develop completely “new never known before technologies”! These technologies are rarely if ever based on existing research. This makes the IP and technology nearly impossible to copy or work around. When combined with numerous trade secrets difficult to even copy or clone.
The primary focus on technology development has been for large markets >> 1 billion $US annual sales per year, with the ability to provide within a few years complete market dominance. This is accomplished through greatly lower cost of manufacture plus performance unmatched by the competition and meeting customers immediate and future needs.
One of my favorite mentors was Mick Bohn one of the original founders of LSI Corporation. The statement I remembered that applies to my technology is “If a company discusses funding your technology with their engineering team then immediately move on. Their engineering team will lie and tell their management to give them the money and they will develop the technology in-house. Though the engineers know they have told a complete lie they would rather waste the money than have an outside company develop something beyond their ability to do so.”
I offer this simple example. The record spent to date by one public traded company trying to figure out one of my technologies is over 50 million $US. They have not even completed the first of 3 major parts of the technology. This is 10 times the funding I required to complete the technology and build a small scale manufacturing line to build bulk samples of the product. This company as well depended on copying VSI’s technology. The technology remains on the shelf waiting for funding and the copy cat continues to mislead their shareholders and spend money. I am not publicly disclosing the company because it it publicly traded but as part of the due diligence process will provide details if an investor requires it.
Technologies Currently Waiting On Funding:
Overview: These technologies are not just ideas to develop or research with the hope to develop a working demonstrative technology. They are in-fact new real technologies closely guarded in the highest of secrecy. The primary work that remains is design optimization and determination of the best method to manufacture them. Any other technical team is lying if they said they can do the same, because they have absolutely no idea how the technology even works. So investors are warned if they wish to be involved in any of the listed technologies then VSI is the only company that can deliver them.
New Water Purification/Treatment Technology
Ultra-Capacitor Technologies (there are 3 unique completely different ones)
Smart grid Technologies: (number available 2)
The two offered smart grid technologies are distinct and different from each other.
1. The first smart grid technology does not require large-scale manufacture by the joint venture corporation set up for its development. The technology is an inexpensive common sense solution to an ever-growing instability problem with the electric grid. Implementation will provide utilities increased grid stability that is nearly instantaneous, 100% hacker proof that does not rely on any form of high-speed communication. Investment requires filing and protection of IP, producing samples for licensees to manufacture and utilities to evaluate. Revenue is generated by this technology through licensing of a large number of manufacturers.
One of the least expensive of all the technologies listed on the website to develop and put into practice. No large-scale manufacturing will be necessary.
100% hacker proof free method available to Utilities to increase electric grid stability by up to +/-10%.
Technology can be protected by as little as two patent applications filed globally.
Not dependent on high speed communication and compatible with existing or legacy power distribution systems.
Inexpensive to free for Utilities to implement.
Based on well-understood principals.
2. The second smart grid technology is an energy storage based product with a number of unique features.
Designed to increase grid stability by +/-10% and under most applications nearly 100% hacker free.
The product is compatible with all energy storage technologies.
In most circumstances its features pay for themselves for both the customer and Utility.
The technology works around nearly all-existing IP for smart grid.
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